跌打骨傷治療腳踝扭傷 | Treatment of Ankle Sprains with Dieda Therapy

( last updated : July 10, 2023 )
跌打骨傷 腳踝扭傷 Dieda ankle sprains

跌打骨傷治療腳踝扭傷 | Treatment of Ankle Sprains with Dieda Therapy


Ankle sprains are a common sports injury, and Dieda therapy is considered an effective method for treating ankle sprains. Dieda therapy involves techniques that promote blood circulation, relieve pain, reduce swelling, and facilitate recovery.

跌打骨傷的原理 | Principles of Dieda Therapy


Dieda therapy is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves specific techniques such as tapping, massaging, and applying pressure to the affected area with appropriate force. It aims to promote the circulation of Qi and blood, clear meridians, and eliminate blood stasis and Qi blockages, thus achieving therapeutic and recovery effects.

跌打骨傷治療腳踝扭傷的步驟 | Steps for Treating Ankle Sprains with Dieda Therapy

  1. 清潔受傷的腳踝部位,並用熱水泡腳(24小时内用冰敷,超过24小时后可以热敷),放鬆肌肉和舒緩疼痛。 Cleanse the injured ankle area and soak the foot in warm water to relax the muscles and alleviate pain.

  2. 用熱敷或溫毛巾熱敷腳踝,以促進血液循環。 Apply a hot compress or use a warm towel to promote blood circulation in the ankle area.

  3. 採用跌打手法,輕輕敲擊腳踝周圍的穴位和受傷部位,可以使用手掌、拳頭或木錘等工具。 Utilize tapping techniques to gently tap the acupoints and the injured area around the ankle, using the palm, fist, or a wooden hammer.

  4. 運用適當的推拿和按摩手法,按摩患處和周圍肌肉,促進血液流通和康復。 Apply appropriate kneading and massaging techniques to the affected area and surrounding muscles to promote blood circulation and facilitate recovery.

  5. 完成跌打骨傷後,再次進行熱敷,並給予適當的休息和保護。 After the Dieda therapy session, apply hot compress once again and provide adequate rest and protection.


Please note: Dieda therapy for treating ankle sprains requires professional skills. Consult a qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or Dieda therapist to ensure safety and effectiveness.


If you are experiencing an ankle sprain, please seek timely consultation from medical professionals or traditional Chinese medicine practitioners for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Please note: The above information is for reference only. If you have any health concerns, consult qualified medical professionals or traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.


July 10, 2023


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