溫哥華中醫跌打骨傷治療腰痛 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda Therapy for Back Pain

( last updated : July 06, 2023 )
中醫 跌打骨傷 腰痛 Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda Therapy back pain

中醫跌打骨傷治療腰痛 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda Therapy for Back Pain

腰痛的症狀及原因 | Symptoms and Causes of Back Pain


Back pain is a common health issue, and many people experience varying degrees of back pain in their lives. Symptoms of back pain can include persistent or intermittent pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, and even radiating pain to the buttocks and lower limbs. Common causes of back pain include muscle strains, herniated discs, spinal arthritis, ligament injuries, poor posture, and stress.

中醫跌打骨傷治療腰痛的原理 | Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda Therapy for Back Pain


Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda therapy is a traditional treatment method that involves specific techniques such as massage, tapping, and kneading with appropriate force and rhythm. The purpose of Dieda therapy is to promote the circulation of Qi and blood, clear meridians, alleviate muscle spasms, eliminate blood stasis and Qi blockages, and restore normal function to the back tissues.

中醫跌打骨傷治療腰痛的步驟 | Steps for Traditional Chinese Medicine Dieda Therapy for Back Pain

  1. 清潔腰部皮膚,並用熱敷或中藥溫毛巾預熱腰部,以放鬆肌肉和促進血液循環。

    Cleanse the skin of the lower back and preheat the area with a hot compress or warm towel to relax the muscles and promote blood circulation.

  2. 使用跌打骨傷的手法,對腰部患處進行輕輕的敲擊、推拿和按摩,可以使用手掌、虛拳頭或木錘等工具。

    Apply gentle tapping, kneading, and massaging techniques to the affected area of the lower back using the techniques of Dieda therapy, using the palm, fist, or a wooden hammer as tools.

  3. 針對腰痛的特定穴位,如腰俞穴(腰部的腧穴)、大椎穴(頸部和脊柱之間的穴位)等進行刺激。

    Stimulate specific acupoints related to back pain, such as the Yaoyu acupoint (a vital point in the lower back) and the Dazhui acupoint (located between the neck and spine).

  4. 根據需要,配合其他中醫療法,如拔罐、艾灸等進行綜合治療。

    Supplement the Dieda therapy with other traditional Chinese medical treatments such as cupping or moxibustion as necessary for comprehensive treatment.

  5. 跌打骨傷治療後,給予患者適當的休息,避免過度勞累,並根據中醫師的建議進行後續的治療和保健。

    Provide patients with adequate rest after Dieda therapy, avoiding excessive exertion, and follow up with further treatment and health care as recommended by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.


Please note: Dieda therapy for back pain requires professional skills. Consult a qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or Dieda therapist to ensure safety and effectiveness.


If you are experiencing back pain, please seek timely consultation from medical professionals or traditional Chinese medicine practitioners for proper diagnosis and treatment.


July 06, 2023


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